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Digital Art


Shy Beetles
Shy Beetle

Featured Google Soli Sandbox prototype

  • Uses the Soli radar sensor which detects user gestures and distance from phone

  • Creates the experience of turning over stones and watching beetles in a garden

  • Beetles scurry and hide in the shadows but if the user is far away they will wander idly

  • Beetles hide in shadow if the stone is moved when the user waves their hand

  • Beetles scatter if the user reaches towards the phone

  • Beetles and environment are procedurally generated


Desktop Version  (Doesn't work on mobile)

Press the following keys to simulate the following gestures on the soli sensor:

W, A, S, D - Waving hand across the phone (Moves rock)

1 - User is away from the phone (Activates idle mode)

2 - User is near the phone (Activates shy mode)

3 - User reaches towards the phone (Activates scatter)

Road Maps to Nowhere

Non Interactive

Living Wallpaper
A Clock for Quarantine
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